
Turk-Pak Photo Exhibition was displayed in University of Central Punjab on Nov 15-16. Dr. Nassar Ikram Pro-Rector inaugurated the exhibition in UCP.

FACEN Executive Director Majid Rafiq presented Turk-Pak Photo Exhibition “1000 Years Connect” booklet to his excellency Mustafa Yurdakul, Turkish Ambassador in Islamabad. Wasim Ali Khan, a member board of Patrons, was also present at the occasion.
Produced in collaboration with Project Reconnect. An international collaboration with artists from Pakistan, Turkey and US.

Reconnect Film Awards is going international. Showcasing work of young filmmakers from the Muslim world and Beyond. Details soon..

ReBridges is producing a TV show of the same name in which we are conversing with Muslim intelligentsia about current issues facing the Muslim world. Mr. Rizwan Mumtaz Ali is the host of the program.